Pig Iron
Pig iron is the result of the fusion and purification of iron ore in a blast furnace and is the main raw material for steel.
The approximate composition of pig iron is:

Brazil is one of the few countries in the world that produces pig iron from renewable energy from biomass in the form of charcoal, ensuring a better quality product for the production of steel and castings.
The use of a clean technology that produces pig iron with charcoal is 100% derived from planted forests, making the total process, including planting, have a positive balance for the environment.
It is worth mentioning that, in order to produce charcoal to supply the sector's demand, hundreds of thousands of hectares of forests are planted.

All Pig Iron production undergoes rigorous control, ensuring a quality product, essential in various industrial applications.
Ironminas' geographic position, in Belo Horizonte, is highly strategic and presents itself as a great competitive advantage for the Pig Iron industry since the industrial park for the production of pig iron in Minas Gerais is located around the capital.
In addition, Minas Gerais has the largest road network in Brazil, which also has a rail link to several states and the main ports of Vitória and Rio de Janeiro.